Ten of the best Instagram accounts to follow
Hey guys today on the blog I wanted to show you ten of the best Instagram accounts to follow. You may be already following these fabulous accounts, but if not I wanted to highlight to you why in my opinion they are must follows.
It’s no secret that during my darker days of battling Lyme disease I was unable to get out and live a life that I wanted. I spent most of my time alone, unable to leave my room and in alot of pain. To distract me from all of this I found Instagram. I found people travelling to places I wanted to go, drinking the wine on a Friday evening that I wanted to drink and basically just living life! It gave me a weird sense of being involved in all of this and not missing out on life as much as I was. These accounts also gave me hope, that one day it could be me, and that is why my love for Instagram grew.
It gave me a daily highlight reel of all the things I didn’t get to see in my real life any more. And not in a woah is me, my life is so bad, kind of way. No. These accounts gave me inspiration and encouragement and the longest, best list of things to get better for. They gave me such motivation to get better in a time when darkness could have truly taken over so I love them all for that.
Most of these accounts I have followed for a long time and have developed friendships with these girls (yes insta friendships are just as real). Some are new to me and give me fresh inspiration. But in my opinion these are some of the best accounts on Instagram at the moment.
Ten of the best Instagram accounts to follow
So without further ado here are ten of the best Instagram accounts to follow (there may be an extra one thrown in for good measure!)
1. Helene in Between
I started following @heleneinbetween way back when she had 16k followers. That was huge to me so she was basically a celebrity right! She had such a keen eye for flat-lays back then but that wasn’t why I followed her…even though yes I am a sucker for a good flat-lay. I followed her because she was real!
There are so many accounts on Instagram these days doing the same thing. Bikini clad girls in the same instafamous spot and the exact same pose as the girl before with zero caption. Now don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with visiting these famous instagram places but Helene does it her way. Like it or lump it. She is who she is and I love her for it. She always has something witty to say….usually in a Texan accent. I will never understand why the accounts with captions like “Happy Friday” get so much air time.
She is also one of the accounts that I used to enviously watch pour herself a glass of wine on a Friday and say Hey girl pour me one too. You will literally want her as your best friend and she blantantly knows that I have stalked her, single white female style, for a long time now.
I can honestly say she is one of the most genuine people on insta even though her account has now grown to over 137k. She still responds to every message and I know she gets alot and I have loved watching her explore Europe with her husband and her two dogs. No more flat-lays anymore! Well maybe the odd one at Christmas. So if you are looking for some real life travel inspiration follow Helene in Between here. She also has a pretty cool blog!
2. Monalogue
Being Irish I never really think of travelling to the UK. I mean if you are going to go to the effort of getting on a plane you want to go somewhere further afield right?
That was until I found this gorgeous instagram account @monalogue. Now I’m watching Pride and Prejudice on repeat until I can visit the gorgeous places that Ramona shows us on her feed.
Her feed is filled with images of the beautiful English countryside, mostly Sommerset and Bath, a place that I was lucky enough to visit recently purely because her account made me want to go that badly.
Her dreamy account is filled with pictures of her adventures through the English countryside in her maroon Morris Minor, Maurice……hello! You want to follow her just for that, right? So go follow her gorgeous account here and I dare you not to watch a Jane Austen movie afterwards.
3. Dariashew
Another account that has me wanting to pack my bags and go explore the UK is @dariashew. How did I overlook the UK as a travel destination for so long. I mean, look at how pretty it is!
She will take you on a beautiful journey as she strolls around London and shows you all the best places through her feed. The tones of her feed are just gorgeous and she is the most beautiful photographer. Places and buildings come alive in her creative hands.
Without a doubt Daria is a creative. One look at her blog or youtube channel will make this instantly obvious. I think I will always be drawn to creative people so I have been drooling over her feed for a while now. Go check her out her pretty feed here.
4. Danaberez
Dana is a Wisconsin native that lives in New York. I dare you not to look at her feed and instantly want to book your flights to the Big Apple.
We have all seen the typical New York photographs on our feed but @danaberez seriously knows all the best places. If you are looking for any NYC advice go to her. She is truly an expert. I suppose I will always be drawn to New York having lived there back in 2000 and leaving just before 9/11. It is also where I got my Lyme disease so there will always be a connection to it. I think that is what made me stop and take notice of Dana’s account in the first place.
But her account is much more than this. She has grown so much as a travel blogger (who am I to talk with my baby blog…but I know what I like to read and this is it). I love following along on her recent travels and you will too. Her feed is GEORGEOUS! She is one of the happiest, most smiley people on Instagram so I hope you will be drawn to her as much as I am. You can find her account here.
5. Bethannestagram
Beth Anne’s account will always have a special place in my heart. Beth Anne is again from the UK (seriously why have I not visited more!!!) and she is a professional lifestyle and wedding photographer.
I have bonded with @bethannestagram because life seems to have thrown her as many curveballs as it has thrown me but she is still standing strong. She is the best mama to her georgeous autistic son and is herself still struggling with an eating disorder. She is not afraid to show her weaknesses but in my opinion she is a tower of strength and inspiration. She is also not afraid to speak her mind and will tackle some controversial topics on her blog without the fear of seeming unpopular. Which is why I love her! I hope that I am the same way and I am not looking for popularity on either my blog or instagram. I simply want to be myself.
Apart from having a truly inspirational account her photographs are to die for. She has the most beautiful editing style and dreamy vintage tones. Think slightly aged, scratched, muted tones. I am in love with every photograph she posts and the wonderful story that goes along with it. If you are looking for some serious inspiration then this account is for you.
6. Daintydressdiaries
Apart from being absolutely gorgeous, Catherine is one of the funniest people I know. Just check out her instastories!
Catherine is Irish, (a plus from me because, in the words of Louis Walsh, us Irish need to stick together) and is the shabby chic queen. @daintydressdiaries will eduacte you in the world of a shabby chic with DIY home tutorials all while wearing the most gorgeous tea dresses.
If you haven’t guessed, I love all things vintage and Catherine’s feed ticks all the boxes. She bought her own house and now has an award winning blog showing how she did it all up herself, with a little help from Blondie. Blondie is her cat and features hilariously in Catherine’s stories. You seriously need to check them out. I love learning the personality behind an account and Catherine has personality in bucketloads.
Not only that, she will give you the best style and fashion tips and will instantly give you home envy, so check her out here.
7. Fox_and_hopps
The thing that I love about instagram is the supportive community you find on there. My experience of instagram is that it is a really positive space to be on. That is why I found it so helpful during my very ill days. The accounts that I follow don’t really compete with each other and instead are happy to share the new and beautiful accounts they follow.
I came across @fox_and_hopps only recently at the recommendation of @liveloveruntravel (don’t worry she’s coming up) and I just have to share this dreamy account with all of you. I mean look at that feed! Alicja and Janek are a travel couple exploring the most beautiful places. If their account doesn’t give you serious wanderlust then I am afraid you are a lost cause.
8. Liveloveruntravel
OK so I should be like a mother that has no favourite child but the tones in Christine’s feed just make my heart happy. How can you not love these earthy tones. Like…..Swoon!
Christine is a teacher with a love for running, hence the run part of her name. In fact she incorporates all aspects of her life that she loves into her feed seemlessly. She also happens to be one of the nicest, most supportive people that you will meet on instagram and is never afraid to promote her fellow bloggers.
The thing I love about @liveloveruntravel is that she may visit some of those instafamous spots but she makes it her own. She always learns something new in each place that she travels to and shares that information with us all. It may be the teacher in her but Christine always teaches me something new. I may also have a case of serious hair envy. So go give her a follow here. You will not be sorry.
9. Jayde_archives
Another account I am obsessed with is @jayde-archives. Jaydes account has always been gorgeous but since she has found her niche, in the form of all things pink, her account has grown at an enormous rate.
As Jayde says herself, she is wandering the world with rose tinted glasses. Her dream, in her own words, is to inspire women from all around the world to take the scenic route in life, see the beauty in getting lost and to find happiness in being themselves. You see why I love her?
Jayde will give you a daily dose of positive (pink) vibes and has such a gentle soul. She floats around like she lives in an actual fairytale and is one of the nicest people you could meet. She is genuine and not at all pretentious and is serious instagram goals. Go visit her fairytale feed here. You will leave feeling like you have just been sprinkled in fairy dust.
10. Ourwayofwanderlust
What can I say about @ourwayofwanderlust other than this account is instagram perfection. So much thought and effort goes into every photograph posted to ensure that you will have theme envy.
Dymfy and Diego are a gorgeous travel couple exploring the most beautiful places. Seriously check out their Iceland photos. They tell the most beautiful story through their feed and, as I am sure is their purpose, they will give you serious wanderlust. They are not afraid to go off the beaten path to get a photograph and are truly inspiring. You can follow along on their journey here.
So there you have it. Ten of the best accounts to follow on instagram. I may just have to sneak in one more special follow. I simply don’t understand why @thegirlwiththegreenbow‘s account is not massive. I have simply come to the conclusion that people don’t know about her account. I am in LOVE with Christine’s account.
Her theme is gorgeous. Her photographs are so beautiful. She is vintage retro perfection and she bakes the most amazing things. She is basically the modern day Audrey Hepburn. Plus last Christmas I opened the door to the postman bearing a gift sent from Christine. She had picked out the most beautiful colour scarf and earrings for me because she thought they would suit my hair colouring…….seriously my heart melted. Also can we talk about how amazing her instagram name is?
So if you want to wake up every day to some gorgeous photographs on your feed go give Christine a follow here.
Special pick: Thegirlwiththegreenbow
And as always you know that instagram is where it all started for me so shameless plug you can follow me here
Until next time you crazy kids!
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Hopefully you found some good accounts to follow. I am obsessed with them all.