A list of over 250 of the Best Travel Instagram Hashtags
Hashtags! Right now in 2020 there is a big debate about whether hashtags are still useful to authentically grow your Instagram account. There is so much speculation and misinformation out there when it comes to using hashtags. From a personal viewpoint my engagement only increases when I use hashtags, particularly travel hashtags. I still haven’t figured out the magic formula as to why some hashtags perform better than others. Some days I might only get 70 views from hashtags and that seems pretty low but in my opinion it is 70 more eyes on my account than before. If something can only help your account then why not?
Other times hashtags work really well for me and I can get up to 10,000 views on a post. I find that alot of these posts are location dependent (popular locations are bound to get more views), so it is important to choose your location hashtags wisely.
How do I find the best travel hashtags for Instagram?
With so much choice out there I wanted to give you a break down of the best travel hashtags to use for Instagram. I am skipping the most popular hashtags like #dametraveler and #flashesofdelight because let’s face it, they are oversaturated. Sure you can use popular hashtags like this with over 4.6 million posts and you will get some quick likes. However most of these likes will be fake/bot likes and you will likely become the target of some annoying follow/unfollow activity.
What is follow/unfollow?
This is where those rule breaking Instagrammers use automation to follow accounts that they think will follow them back. If you don’t follow back, and even the majority of the time if you do, they will unfollow you anyway. It’s nothing personal so don’t see it as a reflection of your account. Also please don’t fall into the trap of downloading one of those apps to see who unfollows you daily just so that you can unfollow them back. Big waste of time! If you have that much time on your hands please spend it engaging with those who genuinely want to follow you. You will see a far greater return.
The importance of Hashtag research
The most important thing when it comes to hashtags is RESEARCH! Are you using a hashtag that is too popular, like above, meaning that not only will you potentially attract bots but your photograph will disappear down the Instagram feed in mere seconds. Your gorgeous finely edited photo and thoughtful caption will only have miliseconds in the spotlight? No thank you!
Is the hashtag that you are going to use banned? Overuse of hashtags such as #valentinesday or #happythanksgiving led to them being considered spam and banned. But how can you know this? RESEARCH! If you want to use a hashtag but you aren’t sure if it is banned simply put it in the search bar in Instagram. Only a few images will show up and at the bottom of the page you will see the notification “Recent posts from # valentinesday are currently hidden because the community has reported some content that may not meet Instagram’s community guidelines.”
I also research my hashtags before each use because I want to make sure that I am happy to be associated with that hashtag. If there is content under a hashtag that goes against my morals or is not something that I would personally stand by then I don’t use it. I also want to make sure that the hashtags I use are active. What is the point in posting something under an inactive hashtag. All you will hear is crickets!
However you also don’t want it to be too active because again that post that you took time and effort over will be buried. Hint! If you scroll down 20 rows and you still find content posted in the last few seconds that hashtag is too active. The general rule of thumb for smaller accounts wanting to be seen is to target hashtags with about 20k-100k posts, making sure that the hashtag is still active.
What are the best hashtags to use?
The best hashtags to use are always ones suitable to your niche. Using specific and relevant hashtags helps you connect with people that are looking for exactly the content that you are posting. Community hashtags like #teamkaptainkenny or location specific hashtags always work best. My niche is female travel and the good news is that I have done all the research for you to bring you a full guide on the absolute best hashtags to use for almost all types of travel accounts.
Mix up your hashtags to avoid “Spammy” behaviour.
I have taken the time to research hundreds of travel hashtags myself, constantly adding them to a grouped list and I want to share them with you! I have decided to share my full list of travel hashtags so that you can easily add them to your posts. Please bear in mind you have to mix up your hashtags daily. Just because I have done a lot of the groundwork here for you DOES NOT mean that you can just copy and paste that set of hashtags into your posts.
Instagram will see this as SPAM guys and therefore will show your post to less people. The aim of the game here is growth so please mix up those hashtags with every post.
It’s also a good idea to avoid gimmicky hashtags such as #likeforlike, #followforfollow, and hashtags that have been used over a million times. While these hashtags might get you a few extra likes, they aren’t going to help you grow a highly engaged, targeted following which, is the aim of the game guys!
Before deciding on what hashtags you use it is important to also consider two things. The first is the number of followers you have and the second is your engagement rate.
Follower count
How many followers do you have? The answer will indicate what size hashtags you can successfully compete with.
- 0 – 20,000 – Aim for hashtags less than 10,000 tags
- 20,000 – 40,000 – Aim for hashtags less than 50,000 tags
- 50,000 – 100,000 – Aim for hashtags less than 100,000 tags
- 100,000 – 300,000 – Aim for hashtags less than 300,000 tags
- 300,000 + – Go mad!!
Engagement Rate
You must also consider your engagement rate before deciding on what hashtags you can compete with. You may have 50,000 followers but if your engagement is zero than it will be impossible for you to show up in 100,000 hashtag category.
That is because appearing in the top nine of hashtags depends not only on how many people like your post but HOW FAST they do so. So it is important to evaluate your engagement before deciding what hashtags to compete for.
Using relevant travel hashtags is more important than ever.
In the past year Instagram launched the ability to follow hashtags. Instead of someone having to manually search for a hashtag they are interested in and then scroll through an endless feed to potentially land on your content, your posts can now show up automatically in the feeds of thousands of potential new followers.
While the Instagram algorithim has always favoured relevant hashtags it is now more important than ever to use hashtags that make sense for your post.
Instagram users now have the ability to click “Don’t Show for This Hashtag” option to mark the content not interesting or not relevant and this could have huge consequences for your account. If you are not posting relevant content for that hashtag or something those following that hashtag want to see there is a high likelihood that they will click on the “Don’t Show for This Hashtag” option. If this happens too often it will red flag your account to Instagram and this is not good.
Community Hashtags are great to use.
Community hashtags are Instagram hashtags that connect like-minded users around a specific subject. They’re a great way to connect with others, improve the searchability of your posts, gain followers, and grow your own community. My favourite is Helene in Between‘s #travelinbetween.
Do I use all thirty Hashtags?
There is no right or wrong answer to this. I’ve read so many blog posts on what is the correct amount of hashtags to use on each post but at the end of the day you have to do what is right for you and what you feel comfortable with. In my opinion if you are given thirty chances to be found then I am going to take all thirty of those chances.
However if you don’t feel comfortable using that number you can always use less. It is totally ok to experiment with the amount of hashtags you use on each post until you find your hashtag sweet spot.
The most important thing to keep in mind is that you’re being intentional with your hashtag selection and you’re using hashtags that your target audience is searching for and following.
I have sorted hashtags for you into smaller groups so that you can easily mix them up. So no excuses guys!
So without further ado here is my list of the Best Travel Hashtags for Instagram.
General Travel Hashtags
- #travelwithfathom
- #travelinbetween
- #sidewalkerdaily (they are awesome for reposts)
- #traveldreamseekers
- #thetraveltag
- #intravelist
- #passportpassion
- #mydomainetravels
- #thetraveltribe
- #seekmoments
- #starttheadventure
- #escapeandwonder
- #wondermore
- #wonderlustcollective
- #packandgo
- #ichosetowander
- #wanderlust_tribe
- #traveldaily
- #wanderingsoul
- #travellingourplanet
Female Travel Hashtags
- #travelette
- #journeysofgirls
- #girlywanderlust
- #travelgirlsgo
- #theeverygirltravels
- #followingthegirls_
- #girlstoptravel
- #wetravelgirls
- #travelgirlshub
- #traveldames
- #shetravelz
- #girlsabroad
- #gltlove
- #girlgetters
- #girlaroundworld
- #travelgirldiary
- #travelgirlscollective
- #travelfemme
- #damestravel
- #thedreamytravels
Travel Bloggers
- #iamtb
- #imtb
- #itravelbecause
- #travelcommunity
- #ig_travelerworld
- #travelbloggeres
- #travelbloggervibes
- #travelblogg
- #blogtravel
- #travelbloggerlife
- #travelstribe
- #wanderlust_tribe
- #totravelistolive
- #travelbloggersofig
- #instatravelblog
- #familytravelblogger
- #luxurytravelblog
- #mytravelblog
- #budgettraveller
- #travelnowlifelater
Community Travel Hashtags
- #cntraveller
- #pinktrotters
- #teamkaptainkenny
- #blondesandcookies
- #effortlyss
- #travelgirlsgo
- #photosinbetween
- #travelinbetween
- #mydomainetravels
- #dametraveler
- #tlpicks
- #fodorsonthego
- #communitywhp
- #theeverydayproject
- #mybeautifulmess
- #justbehue
- #therisingtidesociety
- #liveintentionally
- #gltlove
- #femaletravelbloggers
Couple Travel Hashtags
- #travelbuddyforlife
- #traveltogetherstaytogether
- #travelingcouples
- #creativetravelcouples
- #inspiredtravelcouples
- #coupleslovetravel
- #globecouples
- #couplewhotravel
- #travelduos
- #journeysofcouples
- #travelustcouples
- #coupletravelgoals
- #travelcouplelife
- #oneloveourlove
- #couplesgetaway
- #couplesretreat
- #travelcouples
- #earthcouples
- #travelduo
- #travelcouplescommunity
City Travel Hashtags
- #amazingcity
- #lovelycity
- #beautifultown
- #lovelyview
- #inlovewiththiscity
- #beingatourist
- #wonderfulcity
- #likealocal
- #coolplaces
- #touristinmyowncity
- #ilovethiscity
- #walkinthecity
- #citystroll
- #aroundthecity
- #myfavouritecity
- #roamingaround
- #lovelyplaces
- #lovethistown
- #bigcitylights
- #beautifulcityview
London Hashtags
- #londoneyeview
- #theunitedkingdom
- #londonsbest
- #explorelondon
- #outinlondon
- #londonbest
- #london4all
- #eastlondonlife
- #mayfairlondon
- #igotlondonskills
- #londonphoto
- #londontravel
- #mydarlinglondon
- #itssolondon
- #mysecretlondon
- #humlondon
- #londondisclosure
- #metropolis_london
- #londonvisionaries
- #loves_united_london
Paris Hashtags
- #parisvibes
- #howtobeparisian
- #beparisian
- #parismood
- #parisiloveyou
- #thisisparis
- #paris_focus_on
- #seemyparis
- #parisisalwaysagoodidea
- #wheninparis
- #discoverparis
- #parisjetadore
- #parismylove
- #theparisguru
- #parisonline
- #parisgram
- #pariscartepostale
- #postcardfromparis
- #seulementparis
- #secretsdeparis
New York Hashtags
- #newyorkgram
- #newyork_world
- #nyloveyou
- #newyork_instagram
- #seeyourcity
- #what_i_saw_in_nyc
- #picturesofnewyork
- #nycityworld
- #nypostnyc
- #nycprimeshots
- #ilove_newyo
- #loves_nyc
- #nybucketlist
- #wow_newyork
- #thedream_newyork
- #incrediblenewyork
- #newyork_true
- #mysecretnyc
- #itravelnyc
- #humnewyork
Beach Travel Hashtags
- #sandinmytoes
- #sandandsun
- #beachtherapy
- #saltair
- #walksonthebeach
- #toesinthesand
- #beachhairdontcare
- #beachbumming
- #beachbumforlife
- #seastheday
- #saltescape
- #findyourbeach
- #aquaholic
- #beachyvibes
- #letsgotothebeach
- #takemetothebeach
- #beachvibesonly
- #beachdaze
- #beachallday
- #saltinmyhair
Luxury Travel Hashtags
- #luxurytrips
- #uniquehotels
- #tasteinhotels
- #hotelsandresorts
- #luxurytravelexpert
- #luxurytravelblogger
- #luxurytraveldaily
- #luxurytraveling
- #lhwtraveler
- #leadinghotelsoftheworld
- #thepreferredlife
- #lifestylehotel
- #smallluxuryhotels
- #withaview
- #jetsetters
- #travelmoreworryless
- #travelluxury
- #luxuryworldtravel
- #luxwt
- #tripmaximizer
Eco Travel Hashtags
- #mindfultravel
- #conscioustravel
- #travelwithpurpose
- #responsibletourism
- #travelwithmeaning
- #inspiredtravels
- #offthebeatentrack
- #seetheworldthroughmyeyes
- #slowtravel
- #traveldifferently
- #protectourplanet
- #lovetheplanet
- #plasticfreeliving
- #zerowastejourney
- #sustainabletravel
- #greentravel
- #stopusingplastic
- #saynotosingleuse
- #ecotravel
- #noplanetb
Family Travel Hashtags
- #familytravelblog
- #travelingfamily
- #gowithnugget
- #parentswhowander
- #loveyourtimetogether
- #treasurethistime
- #familytraveltribe
- #travelmadfam
- #travellingwithkids
- #exploringfamilies
- #wearetravelmums
- #goadventuretogether
- #littletraveler
- #travelingbaby
- #havebabywilltravel
- #babyadventures
- #travelwithfamily
- #familytravelmovement
- #familytraveltips
- #lifewelltraveled
Adventure Travel Hashtags
- #findyouradventure
- #freshairandfreedom
- #getoutsidemore
- #optoutdoors
- #idhikethat
- #hikemoreworryless
- #takemetothemountains
- #sheisthewild
- #herwanderfullife
- #allaboutadventure
- #escapeandwonder
- #beyondthelands
- #folk_life_mood
- #outdoortones
- #folkscenery
- #adventuretravels
- #stayadventurous
- #happyadventuring
- #allaboutadventure
- #wanderwomeninc
I hope you find this list of over 250 of the best travel hashtags useful. It took me a long time to build and research my list so I would be so grateful if you could help me by leaving a comment or share this article by pinning or tweeting it. This list is by no means exhaustive and I will continue to add to it for you so be sure to sign up to my newsletter so that you don’t miss out. The great news is that by signing up to my newsletter you will also get immediate access to the exact email that I use to successfully pitch hotels for free accommodation.
Looking at the hashtags that your competitors use is also a great way to find new and relevant hashtags. Follow me on Instagram to see what hashtags I use daily. You can also read more About Me and find out just how I got into blogging and growing my Instagram in the first place. The answer might surprise you as it involves an 18 year battle with Lyme Disease.
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Until next time you crazy kids!
This information is so helpful. Thank you for putting it together. I will definitely be using these hashtags to help grow my ig.
I am so happy to help. It is tough enough to grow on Instagram so hopefully this will take some of the legwork out of it for you.
holy moly guacamole! this must be one of the most helpful blog posts out there, thanks a lot!
It makes me so happy to hear that. Thank you!
Damn girl! This is so helpful, thank you!!!
I am so glad that you found this helpful Bri xxx
Oh wow! That blog post is so interesting Nicola. I never really think about the hashtags I use, I should definitely change that! I took a few screenshots of them so thaaaaanks a lot for putting that blog post together ☺️
I am so glad that you found it useful Alina xxx
Loved reading this post! Super useful, thanks!
I am so glad that you found it useful. Thank you for reading xxx
Haha, I just came across your post when looking how my travel hashtag post ranks on Pinterest 😀 And then I saw you also released one last month 🙂 I really like how your post is designed – it’s prettier than mine 😀 Maybe I’ll revamp mine in the future with more pics like you. But for now, I am working on a couple of other hashtag posts first 🙂
Thank you Sarah I appreciate that. It came about form other Irish travel bloggers asking me my opinion and what hashtags to use so I told them I would do a blog post for them. I am still not entirely convinced hashtags have the same relevance they once had but even if it gets an extra 10 eyes on your account it is worth it for me.
Awesome List! Thanks for taking the time to pull it together and share it.
You are so welcome Nancy. I really hope it helps.
Amazing information, so thorough and inspiring. Thanks for all the great hashtags!
I’m so glad you found it useful. I really apprecite it.
T’his is very handy, as I’m always a bit lost with hashtags. Thank you for the great list. Very helpful.
Thank you for your comment. I’m so glad that you found it useful xxx
Really great resource totally needed this and AM going to use it asap!
Thank you Andi that makes me so happy.
This is such a great list! Definitely going to use some of these in my next Instagram post – thanks for compiling it! 🙂
Thank you so much for taking the time to read it. Hopefully the list will make posting on Instagram a little easier for you.
Love the list. I think I have been using maybe 5 from what you wrote, but this is an excellent start. I pretty much know the basics of it, but sometimes it really is difficult to try and find the right ones. I will for sure add some of your list to mine 🙂
Hashtags are debatable these days but I still prefer to use them. I’ll continue to update this blog and add to the list as often as I can.
Thank you so much for this list! You just made my hashtag life so much easier!
Thank you so much for your comment Charlie. If it can makes things a little easier then that makes me happy.
I am getting this post tattoo’d on my body. THANK YOU
Haha you are the best!!!? and that’s going to take a lot of ink ?
I wish hashtags were an exact science like they used to be a couple of years ago! Now the top 9 phots are pretty random/tailored to people you follow and it’s a lot harder to find new reach.
Yes I completely agree. Someday it’s a hit others it’s a miss. Hashtags don’t work like they used to but it is certainly worth using them even if it is only one more person seeing your account because of them.
What a great post on how to use hashtags, really enjoyed the tips and ideas. Lovely photos too!
Thank you! You are so kind
Really informative post – thank for the info, love your blog!
That means so much! Thank you
This is such a useful post and I realise I haven’t used many of the # you mentioned. Also I love the photos!
That’s so great. Instagram does like seeing you use new and fresh ones so hopefully this helps.
Stealing these! I try to do a few general travel ones and then destination-specific for each post – it seemed to work well for a while but my reach has plummeted this month! I will never understand IG! Time to try these new ones x
New, fresh and mixing them up seems to be the key.
This is such a great post Nicola! It can be so hard to know where to start with hashtags and the algorithm always baffles me! So helpful, thanks for sharing.
I’m so glad you found it useful Jas. I hope to share more in the future.
Great tips and your photos are very beautiful. Loved them all!!!
Thank you so much Nabiha xxx
Great post. I really struggle on Instagram, so I’m excited to trip out your tips!
Instagram is great to bring in traffic to your blog if you can crack it. I share tips on here and on Instagram often so make sure to follow along for more tips. I shared one on yesterday’s post actually and doing this one thing will greatly improve your chances of being seen on Instagram. Thank you so much for your comment.
Great post. So informative. I’m always researching hashtags so can’t wait to try some of these out 🙂
I’m so glad you found it useful. Please stay in touch and let me know how you get on xxx
This is such a cool post! It is great how much research you put into it and I will come back to you (after I do some research and after I use some of the hashtags) and will tell you about it! Thanks for this post, you are amazing and real and I love that 🙂
Thank you Giorgi, your comment means so much. I would love for you to come back to me after a while and tell me how they work out for you. Instagram is such a mystery lately but if we all work together and help each other we just might crack it ?
Thank you for this very informative post and the best of luck with your blog and insta activity!
Thank you so much for your comment it means a lot.
This post was very thorough, thanks for all the great tips!
I am so glad. I worked hard on this one so I am so happy you found value in it.
Such a detailed and useful post. I struggle to think of hashtags sometimes and often just use the same which as you say, looks spammy. Thank you for all the tips, I’ll be saving this for future reference!
I’m so glad this has been useful and yes it is best to mix up hashtags otherwise Instagram sees it as spam. Thank you for taking the time to comment.